PIE Network members and partners engage with each other through a combination of formal programming and professional learning, on-demand 1:1 support, and informal connections.
Request 1:1 Support

Reach out to the PIE Network team for connections to resources and to advocates and experts working on similar policies, in similar geographies, or who have insight in specific areas.
Join Network Conversations & Learning Communities

Join other PIE Network leaders to dig deep on a variety of policy and advocacy topics through ongoing virtual and in-person discussions for the whole Network and for smaller learning communities and working groups.
Subscribe to Members-Only Digital Channels

Connect with Network leaders on members-only Slack Workspaces most relevant to your role to share updates, get real-time insights, tools, and resources, and get plugged into upcoming opportunities.
Coming Soon
Apply for Leadership Institute

Apply to join PIE Network Leadership Institute, a cohort-based, year long leadership opportunity focused on leading change in complex political climates. It is open to executive directors of PIE Network member and partner organizations, as well as individuals in strong “number two” positions.
Join Annual PIE Network Summit

This invitation-only experience, for Network members, friends, and invited guests, is a working meeting that attracts more than 300 leaders annually, including a high-profile roster of state, local, and national education policy, philanthropy, and advocacy leaders. It is a space to refresh and sharpen strategies, share lessons learned and future plans, test ideas, and make connections with trusted peers and partners.
Learn about Spring Executives’ Meeting

This members-only meeting is reserved exclusively for Executive Directors to support leaders in connecting with peers to strategize, reflect, celebrate progress, and spark ideas and energy to continue their hard work on the ground.
Create a Member Login

Any team member at a Network member or partner organization can create a member login to access exclusive tools, resources, and members-only opportunities.
Become a Member

Learn more about the benefits, requirements, and joys of PIE Network membership and partnership.
Donate to Support the Network

Support PIE Network to advance efforts to nurture connections and amplify resources and strategies across the movement to help transform education so that every student, in every community, can achieve a future without limits.