This ESSER Tracking and Advocacy Working Group is open to all Network members. In this meeting, leaders from SCORE in Tennessee, A+ Education Partnership in Alabama, and the School and State Finance Project in Connecticut will share tools they’ve built to track ESSER spending and promote the strategic use of these funds, and will join […]
Organization: Edunomics
A year ago, school districts got a windfall of pandemic aid. How’s that going?
Spending vs. Outcomes by School
Working Group: ESSER Tracking and Advocacy
This ESSER Tracking and Advocacy Working Group is open to all Network members. In this meeting, Chad Aldeman (Edunomics Lab) and Christine Pitts (CRPE) will share updates on efforts to track ESSER plans and actual spending and timelines for district budgeting. Kate Sobel and Jim Larson (TNTP) will share insights from a current initiative that’s […]
Teacher Shortages and Opportunities for Innovation
Teacher shortages and absences in critical subjects and areas across the country are disrupting efforts around pandemic recovery and learning acceleration. As advocates know, this crisis further reveals challenges that already existed around recruiting, certifying, training, and retaining teachers, and more broadly on how we define and structure teacher roles. In this conversation, Chad Aldeman […]
How COVID-19 Ushered in a Wave of Promising Teacher Pay Reforms
Edunomics Lab
New Hiring and Budget Impacts
As state and district leaders consider how to allocate new federal stimulus money to address student learning and wellbeing, some groups are calling for hiring of new teachers and staff, while others are viewing these recommendations with caution. Chad Aldeman of Edunomics Lab will share trends in district spending plans and teacher labor markets, and the implications […]
Recovery to Reinvention Series: Funding Formula Fixes
This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. While advocates and policymakers are rightly focused on using new federal funds to provide immediate relief for students, the American Rescue Plan Act also provides a unique opportunity to advance student-centered state funding formulae to ensure that money […]
Proceed With Caution: With Enrollment Drops, States Are Looking To Hold District Budgets Harmless