Organization: National Council on Teacher Quality
Teacher Prep Review: Preparation for Teaching Elementary Mathematics
Ensuring Students’ Equitable Access to Qualified and Effective Teachers
Teacher Shortages and Opportunities for Innovation
Teacher shortages and absences in critical subjects and areas across the country are disrupting efforts around pandemic recovery and learning acceleration. As advocates know, this crisis further reveals challenges that already existed around recruiting, certifying, training, and retaining teachers, and more broadly on how we define and structure teacher roles. In this conversation, Chad Aldeman […]
National Council on Teacher Quality
Teacher Prep Performance Data
This July, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) will release the first ever objective data on the performance of teacher prep programs. NCTQ has spent two years collecting actual pass rate data of teacher candidates from states for each of their elementary prep programs, which will provide a huge opportunity to use these data […]
Leveraging American Rescue Plan Funds to Advance Literacy: A Step-by-Step Guide for States and Early Reading Advocates
State of the States 2021: Teacher Preparation Policy