Anti-Critical Race Theory Policy & Implications

School boards, superintendents, principals, and teachers are facing questions about “critical race theory,” or “CRT.” While fierce disagreements rage over its precise definition and whether or not it is being taught in k-12 schools, state legislatures are taking action and local school board candidates are addressing the issue. A recent Brookings Institute analysis found that more than […]

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Recovery to Reinvention Series: High-Impact Tutoring

This continues the Walton Family Foundation-sponsored series, designed in partnership with PIE Network and Bellwether Education Partners. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, families and educators are eager to accelerate learning and provide students with the targeted support they need. Research shows that high-impact tutoring is among the most effective ways to do so. […]

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Federal Policy Working Group: Unpacking the American Rescue Plan

PIE Network and EducationCounsel have partnered to support monthly conversations with and updates to Network leaders on the latest intel from Capitol Hill, the Biden Administration, and the U.S. Department of Education. As always, these conversations will also include updates from PIE Network partners working at the federal level. Our inaugural discussion will center on […]

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Reinforcing Links: Supporting Postsecondary Transitions through COVID-19

The pandemic is challenging students’ ability to successfully make the transition from secondary to postsecondary education. In this session, Ryan Reyna (Education Strategy Group) will discuss ways that state and education leaders can support students in making those transitions, particularly as it relates to data-driven approaches, systemic supports, and targeted interventions to increase student awareness and support. Samantha Gutter (SCORE) will […]

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