PIE Network brings you the latest surveys and public opinion polls that capture the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, principals, and system leaders. Axios compiled data on declining enrollment trends: Districts with the most remote learning lost 4% of their students. New York saw the most significant decline of any state, with a nearly 6% […]
Policy Pillar: Great Educators
Teacher Compensation Calculator

Addressing Teacher Shortages In the Short and Long Term: What States and Districts Can Do
2022 Voices From the Classroom: A Survey of America’s Educators

E4E Voices From the Classroom: A Teacher Town Hall
Attracting, supporting, and retaining great teachers is top-of-mind as we move into the spring of a third pandemic-interrupted school year. While some warn that unprecedented numbers of teachers are likely to leave the classroom this summer, others feel that these fears have been overblown. In this session, we hear from the educators themselves. Educators for […]
Ensuring Students’ Equitable Access to Qualified and Effective Teachers
Survey Says: April 2022
PIE Network brings you the latest surveys and public opinion polls that capture the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, principals, and system leaders. A poll from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and AP NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reveals that the American public is largely divided about the role of […]
Advanced Teaching Roles in North Carolina: Meaningful Career Pathways for Education Professionals

Addressing Teacher Shortages: Practical Ideas for the Pandemic and Beyond
What Happened to the K-12 Education Labor Market During COVID? The Acute Need for Better Data Systems