Policy Pillar: High Expectations
BRAND NEW DATA ON RECOVERY: Updated Education Recovery Scorecard Data
Audience: PIE Network Leaders The team at Education Recovery Scorecard has been working hard to analyze student achievement data that has been recently released from about half of the states in the country. The analysis helps identify which districts were (and were not) successful in the 2022-23 school year at helping students recover lost learning. […]
Opportunities Denied: High-Achieving Black and Latino Students Lack Access to Advanced Math
Increasing Access to Advanced Coursework in Kentucky
Testing the Waters: Insights Into Parent Perspectives on Through-Year Assessments
Statewide assessments have become an indispensable source of information on student, school, and system achievement. Some states, like Delaware, Florida, Nebraska, and Texas, are beginning to explore other ways of administering these tests, such as through-year assessments. Join this conversation with Titilayo Tinubu Ali, Michelle Croft, and Bonnie O’Keefe (Bellwether), who wrote this recent report […]
Rulers & Pencils Happy Hour
Join your DC-area PIE Network colleagues for the third Rulers and Pencils happy hour convening in-person on Tuesday, October 10th, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm ET at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute offices located at 1015 18th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. We’ll network, enjoy some refreshments, and speak with four of the members of […]
Policy Portals FAQs
The PIE Network Policy Portals feature essential and actionable resources to help you and your teams advance your work on policy priorities. Each portal includes videos featuring key leaders in the field sharing history and lessons learned, as well as historical timelines to help understand how policy, politics and advocacy have evolved over time. You’ll […]
Introducing PIE Network Policy Portals
Join this session to learn about the newest set of resources available to PIE Network members: PIE Network Policy Portals. These are on-demand policy resources to support member learning and action. Each portal includes recorded virtual sessions, example legislation, messaging and polling guidance, 50-state legislative and policy scans, research, and a wealth of information to […]
Leveraging Literacy – The Path to Education Recovery in New Jersey
2024 Executives’ Meeting
The Executives’ Meeting is the only in-person meeting all year that is just for PIE Network executive directors and CEOs. It is a time to connect, reflect, and strategize with your peers from across the country for the work ahead. Registration will open this fall. This event will take place at the Archer Hotel in […]