Teacher Prep Performance Data

This July, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) will release the first ever objective data on the performance of teacher prep programs. NCTQ has spent two years collecting actual pass rate data of teacher candidates from states for each of their elementary prep programs, which will provide a huge opportunity to use these data […]

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Federal Policy Working Group: Unpacking the American Rescue Plan

PIE Network and EducationCounsel have partnered to support monthly conversations with and updates to Network leaders on the latest intel from Capitol Hill, the Biden Administration, and the U.S. Department of Education. As always, these conversations will also include updates from PIE Network partners working at the federal level. Our inaugural discussion will center on […]

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Advocacy Strategies to Preserve Assessment Workshop

In light of the U.S. Department of Education’s guidance requiring all states to administer summative assessments this year, many states are now determining how to move forward and what, if any, flexibilities they want to pursue. Join Adam Ezring (The Collaborative for Student Success), Brennan Parton (DQC), Maya Martin Cadogan (DC PAVE), and Sandi Jacobs (EducationCounsel) to unpack the latest actions states have […]

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