Working Group: ESSER Tracking and Advocacy

This ESSER Tracking and Advocacy Working Group is open to all Network members. In this meeting, leaders from SCORE in Tennessee, A+ Education Partnership in Alabama, and the School and State Finance Project in Connecticut will share tools they’ve built to track ESSER spending and promote the strategic use of these funds, and will join […]

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Working Group: ESSER Tracking and Advocacy

This ESSER Tracking and Advocacy Working Group is open to all Network members. In this meeting, Chad Aldeman (Edunomics Lab) and Christine Pitts (CRPE) will share updates on efforts to track ESSER plans and actual spending and timelines for district budgeting. Kate Sobel and Jim Larson (TNTP) will share insights from a current initiative that’s […]

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Investing in Pathways

As ESSER plans have now been approved by the U.S. Department of Education, advocates continue their work of ensuring transparency and equity in state and district spending. In this session, we come together to look specifically at how states and districts are using relief funds to expand college and career readiness and pathways for all […]

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Survey Says: March 2022

PIE Network brings you the latest surveys and public opinion polls that capture the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, principals, and system leaders. Public Opinion Strategies and Impact Research conducted a bipartisan national survey of parents in early February to determine how the pandemic has impacted their children. The whole deck is not being released […]

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